
Organisations in Iron Acton

Community Organisations


Organisations in Iron Acton

Community Organisations

Iron Acton has a thriving community with numerous organisations... Please scroll through the page below for further information

Acton Aid

Acton Aid

Acton Aid

Acton Aid

Acton Aid is a community organisation made up of local people who work together to benefit the parish of Iron Acton. Funds are raised by holding events such as the annual Fireworks Display and the Proms in the Meadows; and working with other parish organisations at events like the annual May Day Festival. Social events include regular talks of interest, a cultural trip abroad and an annual dinner. 

Acton Aid use their funds for the benefit of the parish in general and individuals in need, and regularly donates to charitable causes and organisations. Members also freely volunteer their time to work to improve the fabric of the parish.  

For more information and tickets for events please see the Acton Aid website






The Actonians are a local drama group, based in Iron Acton but attracting members from a wider area. We produce two shows a year in Iron Acton Parish Hall and usually enter the Avon One Act Festival. We have a very good reputation for the quality of our our work – and received four nominations in the 2017 Rose Bowl Awards, with a long standing member, Pat Stimson winning the Best Supporting Actress award. Our productions range  from contemporary plays such as 'Top Girls' and 'Humble Boy' to classics such as 'The Winter's Tale' and  'The Playboy of the Western World' to comedies  like 'Run for your Wife' and pantomimes.

We aim to be a lively, friendly group with an active social calendar both during and between productions.  New members are always welcome, both novice and experienced actors and those who prefer to help backstage or front of house. If you want know  what is going on visit our website  or come along to the Hall on Wednesday evenings.

The Junior Actonians are also a popular part of the village and we welcome new members from Year 6 (age 11) upwards. Contact Di on 7799 103848 or Sarah on 0740 272772                                  




Bell Ringers

Bell Ringers

Bell Ringers

Bell Ringers

Iron Acton has had Handbells for as long as anyone can remember. They have been silent for the past few years but recently an enthusiastic team has got together and gave their first performance at the Carol Service in December 2017.

The handbells are presently being refurbished to return them to " as new" condition, and once again in tune. Once they are back from the foundry the tea will begin a new programme.

Although the number of players is limited by the number of bells anyone interested in joining or enquiring about a performance, should contact Rosemary White for further information.


Book Club

Book Club

Book Club

Book Club

Iron Acton Book Group is a lively, informal gathering of readers who enjoy meeting to discuss all types of literature in an unpressurised and friendly atmosphere. Originally set up in 2005 it now has 14 members-all women but men would be welcomed, who meet every 2 months in each others homes to discuss a wide range of books from contemporary fiction, biographies, and the odd classic.

As the group is now a good size there is no pressure to attend every meeting and members are able to dip in and out according to their personal preferences and commitments. We like to keep the meetings friendly and enjoyable and share information on other books read and films/plays seen. At the end of the year we have a night out to plan the books for the following year-usually at a local hostelry.

Contact can be made through the website contact form.


Community Choir

Community Choir

Community Choir

Community Choir

Autumn 2012: The current Chair of Acton Aid broached the subject of a village choir in a briefly whispered conversation in that fuzzy haze that characterises the aftermath of most Acton Aid meetings.

This happily coincided with my own ambition to lead a choir (although I had optimistically envisioned it as a post-retirement enterprise!)...and so in early the age of Gareth Malone and the re-evaluation of the role of singing in creating and sustaining community...the Iron Acton Community Choir was born.

We meet on a Tuesday evening in the Parish Hall Committee room (or sometimes in the upper room at The Lamb). We sing secular music from a range of sources. Our youngest members are 17 and our oldest would certainly never be asked his or her age. Suffice to say, the only stipulation for membership is to be older than 16, and to be living within the Iron Acton Parish. We are an enthusiastic bunch; we work hard and we have fun...and we are very proud of our efforts which we have been delighted and thrilled to share with our audiences.

If you should feel that you might like to join, then in the first instance contact Robert Pardoe via the contact form on this website.


Community Cinema

Community Cinema

Community Cinema

Community Cinema

Iron Acton Community Cinema is a members club with an annual subscription. We are open to members joining from within the parish. Over the Winter we show a film for the members and a matinee free for any children living within the parish. Please email Simon Cross ( for further information. For further information please refer to the Events section

Update 8 September 2020

As you will know, Iron Acton Film Club is due to resume for the Autumn/Winter season in early October. The committee has been considering if we can operate under the COVID19 social distancing and hygiene rules now in place.

There are serious issues around how we set up the seating in a socially distanced manner, how we would serve refreshments, and the need to clean the hall thoroughly before and after use. In addition, the capacity of the hall has been reduced to 30 and we need to consider the vulnerable age profile of our membership.

So, I’m afraid we do not believe it will be possible to run Film Club safely under the current restrictions and we have decided, reluctantly, to cancel the shows planned for October, November and December. We will review the situation at the end of the year with a view to resuming shows in January February and March.


Craft and Knitting Group

Craft and Knitting Group

Craft and Knitting Group

Craft and Knitting Group

We are a craft and knitting group for all skill levels, knowledge sharing and inspiring people to 'have a go' or simply enjoy time being creative in a friendly group.

This is still a relatively new group so we're still finding our feet! Please come along bringing your skills, suggestions and ideas with you. If you are currently working on a project that is portable then by all means bring it along. 

We meet every Friday, between 1.30pm and 3.30pm in the Parish Hall Committee Room. £2 / session, with optional refreshments (50p extra).

All welcome, just come along, or if you need further information please contact June Schofield on 228760.


Horticultural Show

Horticultural Show

Horticultural Show

Horticultural Show


The Horticultural Show took place on Saturday, September 9th 2023


Iron Acton Primary School

Iron Acton Primary School

Iron Acton Primary School

Iron Acton Primary School

Iron Acton C of E Primary School is a Voluntary Controlled School set in the village of Iron Acton, the school was opened in January 1874 and retains many original features. Although, over the years there have been many alterations and improvements and the school now has two classrooms in the main building. One on the ground floor, together with a smaller teaching room and the Secretary’s Offices / Reception, the other is suspended above the school hall among the rafters with the Headteacher's Office. The third classroom is in an Elliot building close by. The hall is a good size and is used for assemblies, P.E., lunch, school concerts, Friends of Iron Acton (PTA) social events and other activities. Connected to this building is the old Headteacher’s house, which now contains the staff room, pupil kitchen and a resources room.

Outside there is a good sized playground, an enclosed play area for younger pupils and a large playing field, where we are currently developing conservation and wildlife areas including a pond and native woodland. There are approximately 96 pupils on the school roll. Most of the children come from Iron Acton and the surrounding villages, but a significant number of children come from further afield to enjoy the benefits of a small village school. The standard number of children admitted to each year group is 15.

Please visit our website for more information. 

Visit the Facebook page of Friends of Iron Acton School


K9 Club

Iron Acton K9 Club

K9 Club

Iron Acton K9 Club

Iron Acton K9 Club is listed with the Kennel Club. The club was formed by a group of friends living in Iron Acton, Frampton Cottrell, Rangeworthy and Yate who all enjoy training and working with their dogs. Initially we started as a small group who met once a week in Iron Acton to do Flyball. From that small start we evolved and increased our activities to include agility, and gundog scurry in Iron Acton. We formed another section to work on obedience training following the Kennel Club Good Citizens Scheme and basic Rally training in Rangeworthy Village Hall.

All our training is based on the dog and handler enjoying working in partnership and our methods are reward based, with some of our members using clickers. We are always keen to welcome new members to join us. Families are welcome and young handlers encouraged. We have a relaxed atmosphere enjoying cups of tea or coffee as we work. Some of the more sporting activities are by invitation from the obedience section once we know you and your dog so we are confident that you have achieved a basic level of control off the lead in an open field.

In addition to working with our dogs we like to enjoy spending time together and often use these occasions to raise money for charities. In the last 2 years we have made donations to Bristol Dogs Home, Bath Dogs Home, Hearing Dogs for the Deaf and Rangeworthy Hall.

Please visit our website for more information. 


May Day

May Day on The Green

May Day

May Day on The Green


May Day on Iron Acton Green

There will be no May Day in 2024. The event will be back in 2025.

Follow our Facebook page to stay up to date with all the latest event information.

Email enquiries:

North Road Primary School

North Road Primary School

North Road Primary School

North Road Primary School

North Road school was built in 1850 at a cost of £375 and was known as Yate British School. In 1879, it gained the status of public elementary school and received grants from the government. When the nearby colliery closed in 1888, many of the families moved to South Wales. To help these people sacks of bread, coal and clothing were handed out at the school, the money coming from an unknown source. 

The attendance of the pupils appears to have been very erratic, being influenced by the weather, Chipping Sodbury market, haymaking, potato picking, blackberry and hip collecting or illness. The registers were checked weekly by Mr Thomas Lawrence and prize money distributed by the Revd Pontifex to those who attended regularly. In the 1950s a new secondary school was established in Chipping Sodbury and North Road School became known as Yate County Primary, no longer taking children over 11 years old.

Please visit our website for more information.


Iron Acton Parish Council

Iron Acton Parish Council

Iron Acton Parish Council

Iron Acton Parish Council

Iron Acton Parish Council is also represented at South Gloucestershire Council level. The parish is again split into two different voting wards - Ladden Brook and Frampton Cotterell. Our South Gloucestershire Council representatives play a vital role in communicating information from local council level through to the Parish Council.

Wherever you live within the parish any of the Parish Councillors or South Gloucestershire Councillors will be happy to deal with your queries or questions.

Please visit our website for more information.



Iron Acton Parish Hall

Iron Acton Parish Hall

Iron Acton Parish Hall

Iron Acton Parish Hall

Situated in the heart of the Conservation Village of Iron Acton in South Gloucestershire, easily accessible from the M4 & M5 Motorways there isn’t a finer venue available where you can organise the function you want. Available to hire for private functions from children’s birthday parties to Wedding receptions.

Key Features

  • Recently redeveloped

  • Car parking for 30 cars

  • Bright and atmospheric lighting

  • 125 attractive cushioned chairs

  • 26 6’ x 2’ tables

  • New in 2010 attractive bar area suitable for own use or your contractor

  • New in 2010 Modern kitchen for your own use or your caterers use

  • Clean modern toilet facilities

  • Stage for live music or disco

  • Entertainments licence for 150 people

  • Main Hall to comfortably seat 100 to a banquet

  • Committee room to comfortably seat 30 to a banquet

  • Garden and patio area for barbeque or drinks


Booking & Rate information

Iron Acton Parish Hall re-opening on September 1st 2020

The management committee has taken the decision to reopen the Parish Hall following the Governments guidelines on the opening of village halls and community buildings. There will be restrictions on the number of people allowed in the Hall and strict social distancing and sanitation rules will be applied.

We are accepting enquiries for bookings later in the year and next year. We have availability on weekday mornings for Yoga, Pilates or similar classes. Children’s parties are also now bookable but with restricted numbers.

Please contact the booking secretary at or by telephoning Meryl on 01454 228405.

Discounted rates are available to parishioners of Iron Acton, mid week events and hirers requiring multiple days.




Community Policing


Community Policing

For emergencies requiring an urgent response dial 999

Otherwise, including the reporting of crimes and any incident requiring a prompt, but not urgent, response: telephone the force call handling centre on 0845 456 7000.

Our local Iron Acton beat officer is PC Finbar Simmons, based at Chipping Sodbury police station. Finbar is supported by PCSO Katie Radnedge.

The enquiry office at Chipping Sodbury police station is open between 10am and 6pm (closed for lunch 1.30pm to 2.15pm) 7 days a week.

There is also a local beat page, with recent news and crime statistics on the Avon & Somerset Police website.



St James The Less Church

St James The Less Church

St James The Less Church

St James The Less Church

St James the Less church has been serving its community since the 14th century and continues today to be a place that welcomes all who come in faith, looking for peace and fellowship. Its rich history provides much to satisfy those with a interest in history especially related to the Poyntz family and Acton Court. 

St James the Less is part of the Fromeside Churches Benefice which comprises All Saints, Winterbourne Down; St James the Less, Iron Acton; St Michael's, Winterbourne and St Peter's in Frampton Cotterell. Malcolm Strange is our Priest in Charge.  

Typical month of services at St James the Less currently follow this pattern:

  • Each Sunday (except 2nd Sunday) - 09.15am Holy Communion

  • 2nd Sunday of the month* - Typically, 10.00am Family Service (Non-Eucharist)

  • 5th Sunday of the month - 10.00am Benefice Service - venue varies

  • Each Wednesday of month - 10.00am Holy Communion in the Marshall Rooms or church

* Family Services are sometimes rescheduled to fit in with key services such as Mothering Sunday, Harvest Festival etc. Please check the Events section for details.


Rev. Malcolm Strange

Orchard House, 70 High Street, Winterbourne, Bristol, BS36 1JQ.

Tel: 01454 775529


Booking a Special Occasion at St James the Less? 

As part of the Benefice some of the administration is centralised, so if you wish to organise a special service in the church you will now need to contact the benefice administrator:

Kathryn Nichols, Administrator for Fromeside Churches.  

St Michael’s Rooms, Lower Office, 95 High Street, Winterbourne, Bristol BS36 1RD. Tel: 01454 776518;



Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Friday 9.00am - 12.00 pm

Church Wardens

For all general enquiries about the church please contact the church warden who will be happy to help.

  • Carol Groom - 01454 228712

  • Annette Bishop - 07516 722507



Toddler Group

Toddler Group

Toddler Group

Toddler Group

St James The Less Parent and Toddler Group are a small, friendly pre-School group.... temporarily suspended due to low numbers but hoping to start again soon. If interested, please contact via the website.   

We meet every Friday morning between 10.30am and 12.30pm during term times in The Marshall Rooms, High Street, Iron Acton. Parents get the chance to meet and make new friends over a hot drink with biscuits. 



Women's Institute

Women's Institute

Women's Institute

Women's Institute

The WI meet on the second Monday of each month at 7.30pm in Iron Acton Parish Hall.  We are a small friendly group and look forward to welcoming new members (Members don't have to live within the parish). 

Or just come as a visitor if there is a speaker you are interested in hearing. We have a varied programme with a speaker most months followed by a cuppa and chat. Our programme of events can be found in the Events section... 

If you would like further information please contact any member or the secretary, Stella Taylor 01454 228417


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