Iron Acton Community Cinema is a members club with an annual subscription. We are open to members joining from within the parish. Over the Winter we show a film for the members and a matinee free for any children living within the parish. Please email Simon Cross ( for further information. For further information please refer to the Events section

Update 8 September 2020

As you will know, Iron Acton Film Club is due to resume for the Autumn/Winter season in early October. The committee has been considering if we can operate under the COVID19 social distancing and hygiene rules now in place.

There are serious issues around how we set up the seating in a socially distanced manner, how we would serve refreshments, and the need to clean the hall thoroughly before and after use. In addition, the capacity of the hall has been reduced to 30 and we need to consider the vulnerable age profile of our membership.

So, Iā€™m afraid we do not believe it will be possible to run Film Club safely under the current restrictions and we have decided, reluctantly, to cancel the shows planned for October, November and December. We will review the situation at the end of the year with a view to resuming shows in January February and March.